Test Your Italian - Italian Language Test

Test Your Italian > Livello elementare 1

Monna Lisa al telefonino

Spiegazione: Leggi il testo e passa con il mouse le espressioni che non conosci. Poi fai click sulla bandiera per l'esercizio di comprensione del testo.

Explication: Read the text and pass over the expressions you don't know with mouse. Then click on the flag to go to the exercise on text comprehension.
Test Your Italian is offered by the Italian Language School Scuola Leonardo da Vinci Test Your Italian is offered by the Italian Language School Scuola Leonardo da Vinci

presented and made by
ITALIAN LANGUAGE SCHOOL "Scuola Leonardo da Vinci"

Learn Italian in Italy in Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena
info: scuolaleonardo@scuolaleonardo.com